Joined PU as IT undergrad
So, I have finally decided to join the Department of Information Technology at Panjab University as an undergrad student. Yes, I took JEE Mains and Advanced and initially thought I would join the CS Department at IIT Bombay or maybe Delhi, but things turned out differently. It’s challenging to be in the top 0.01% in exams where around 10 lakh students across the country participate on average. So, I started looking for other college options through JEE Mains. The one thing I was sure about in selecting a college was that I would only join if I could major in computer science; it was CS or nothing.

I have been interested in computers since the sixth grade, even though I started coding a bit late. My friends and I used to conceptualize different OS systems and apps when we were kids; we even created an imaginary company to rival Apple (lol, we were kids). I believe this played a crucial role in helping me decide what I wanted to do. I looked for college options where I could enroll in a CS course, and PU seemed like a good option. I chose PU because, firstly, it is a state university and one of the oldest in India. It has its own legacy and is located in Chandigarh, a well-planned city. Additionally, the alumni network of PU is spread across the globe, which might be helpful for me if I decide to pursue masters abroad.
PU has two campuses: North and South Campus. From what I have heard, the North Campus is beautiful with many photoworthy locations, but sadly, my department is in the South Campus. However, it’s fine since the North Campus is only about a mile away. While exploring the college websites (which suck) and social media, I discovered there are many clubs I can join. So far, I have decided to join IEEE and the Google Developer Student Club. I chose IEEE because I am interested in research, and GDSC because, well, it’s Google, and I am an IT student, so joining seems like the obvious choice.
I will be here for another four years (actually three years, you know, COVID), and I do not know how it will go. Still, I want to explore everything I am interested in, and maybe I will become an AI scientist. Let’s see what happens. ADIOS!